Cake-O-Matic HMI
The Self Adjusting Cake Decorating Machine
Icing and decorating cakes has never been easier with Unifiller’s Cake-o-Matic HMI. Ideal for entry-level operators, this cake decorating machine has a built-in computer that adjusts to changing icing texture from batch to batch. Ice and decorate cakes quickly, with little to no effort. For bakeries with versatile needs, the Cake-o-Matic HMI can also be used for batter depositing when used as a stand-alone cake machine or over a production line.
Machine Features and Benefits:
- Servo controlled turntable station
- Optional cake/cardboard centering table
- Manual cake touch-up mode at the push of a button
- Fill/ice middle layers; Top and side icing
- 4 product cylinder sizes available
- 14 US Gal (litres) conical hopper
- PLC control system with touch screen interface and 100 recipe storage
Attachments and Section 179 Deductions for this Machine
In this video: Icing, Decorating, Cakes, Chocolate, Batter, Muffins, Whip Cream
Videos are for demonstrative purposes. Similar products may require further testing. Actual machine may differ slightly.

Up to 140 deposits per minute or ice up to 7 cakes per minute

0.5 oz – 36 oz

Up to 3/4″ cubes
(19 mm)

Air: 6 CFM @ 80 psi
110 or 220 VAC

Easy Washdown

No tools required