Standard and Custom Food Grade Conveyors
No bakery production line is complete without a sleek, functional conveyor that automatically transfers products. From standard conveyors to custom designs, Unifiller can build the perfect conveyor to complement your bakery depositing system. Please contact Unifiller to discuss your needs.
Machine Features and Benefits:
- Complete and safe wash down design
- Belt tension release for easy cleaning of rollers
- Designed with the least number of parts to clean
- Belt scraper and catch pan to prevent product build up
- Built in air and fittings option for machine hook up
- Custom designed to suit customer application
- Guide rails and sensors
In this video: Conveyors, Cakes, Jelly, Muffins, Cookies.
Videos are for demonstrative purposes. Similar products may require further testing. Actual machine may differ slightly.

0 – 50 ft per minute


Easy Washdown